President Muhammadu Buhari and The Lazy Nigerian Youths
Nigerian youths were proclaimed lazy by the almighty Commander-in-Chief of the Nigerian armed forces who has refused to lift a finger to end the menace of the lazy Fulani youths that have been killing and raping fellow Nigerian citizens. All hell was let loose and tempers arose for a statement that seems to be true judging by the recent political happenings in our beloved country.
Our ever active and hardworking president has been busy roping in rogue opposition members and offering olive branches to those who have repented by simply crossing over to his side of the political bridge. The Nigerian youth is so lazy that an average youth like the “first son” spends most of his time idling away on expensive toys like a power bike while his foreign contemporaries are busy with life improving ventures because their parents have no automatic good life stored up for them.
The Nigerian youth is just so lazy that they risk their lives to find greener pastures outside the country and end up being victims of rape, modern slavery and murder, etc. all because we have hardworking leaders who have refused to fix our system. The old workaholics have refused to give way for the youths to show their lazy approach and skills which have earned us accolades across the globe and put food on our tables which the “broom wielding” party have failed to make any easier despite their campaign promises.
In 2019 we await your hardworking mouths to come to us and solicit for our votes then we will show you how lazy we have been yet you use us for electoral violence, thuggery, ballot snatching, mass stamping, etc. Under the sun we queue up to vote for you and yet we are lazy. The team at RED Media are a lazy sort yet they lazily packaged you well and made you look nationalistic even though you remain an ethic sentimentalist.
Mention your achievements that have spurred the lazy youths to become hardworking. We have a sense of entitlement, yes we do because we are entitled to benefit from the good of the land, after all you also benefit from it. Why should our case be any different?
The Nigerian youth is truly lazy. Remember the Arab spring? We choose to suffer in silence that is the reason an old man who should be an elder statesman will open his mouth and term us all “LAZY”. Indeed we are!
Our ever active and hardworking president has been busy roping in rogue opposition members and offering olive branches to those who have repented by simply crossing over to his side of the political bridge. The Nigerian youth is so lazy that an average youth like the “first son” spends most of his time idling away on expensive toys like a power bike while his foreign contemporaries are busy with life improving ventures because their parents have no automatic good life stored up for them.
The Nigerian youth is just so lazy that they risk their lives to find greener pastures outside the country and end up being victims of rape, modern slavery and murder, etc. all because we have hardworking leaders who have refused to fix our system. The old workaholics have refused to give way for the youths to show their lazy approach and skills which have earned us accolades across the globe and put food on our tables which the “broom wielding” party have failed to make any easier despite their campaign promises.
In 2019 we await your hardworking mouths to come to us and solicit for our votes then we will show you how lazy we have been yet you use us for electoral violence, thuggery, ballot snatching, mass stamping, etc. Under the sun we queue up to vote for you and yet we are lazy. The team at RED Media are a lazy sort yet they lazily packaged you well and made you look nationalistic even though you remain an ethic sentimentalist.
Mention your achievements that have spurred the lazy youths to become hardworking. We have a sense of entitlement, yes we do because we are entitled to benefit from the good of the land, after all you also benefit from it. Why should our case be any different?
The Nigerian youth is truly lazy. Remember the Arab spring? We choose to suffer in silence that is the reason an old man who should be an elder statesman will open his mouth and term us all “LAZY”. Indeed we are!
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