I am not so much a fan of movies especially when the story line is predictable. My friend and I were bored one day at home and I had resolved to quit alcohol so the idea of a bar was ruled out. I do not trust myself as I could easily fall prey to the temptations of the bottle. When we got to the cinema, we settled for a movie I cannot recall. Next thing was I heard people laughing so hard and the noise was so deafening yet I could not catch the joke. That was the moment I realised that I had been sleeping comfortably and the movie was seeing me instead of the other way round. However, there are some movies that I can never be caught sleeping while they are playing out and yes they are Nigerian movies. With lots of storylines that are rarely predictable and unbelievable, one cannot help but be edgy. Recent events in Nigeria are some of my best movies not because they excite me but because they astound me. There are only few phenomena that unite Nigerians irrespective of their tribe ...