New Year Felicitations From Chuxzville

It is a new year, new month, new week and a new day; please remember there is never a better time than now to start getting it right. Failure is a sign of progress and life. While we have not been active in the last few weeks, we wish to announce to you that we are back and better and we will be regular and promise to improve on our contents.

We recently made wide consultations and came up with some prophecies which will be coming your way soon. Just promise me you will not call me a fake prophet and you will be getting the first set by tomorrow. Political pundits please stay glued to this space so you know where to put your money.

We wish to use this medium to express our gratitude to those who were part of us in 2017 and all those who fired us to excellence. I will mention names but the list is not exhaustive; Judy Onyema, Samuel Troy, Chinedu Uchu, Gift Collins, Okechukwu Uchu, Kelvin Ogine, @allurebyjudi,,, DesiredImage Productions,

I cannot continue due to space and time but it has been a wonderful year and we believe the New Year will record more success and more hits. Once again we want to thank you for your supports and belief. To the police PRO who reaches out to us instead of inviting us to verify claims and set records straight, we thank you. A night at your station is not what I pray for so I will gladly appreciate you calling than inviting me over. That does not mean that you are a bad host but as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. I am no Nelson Mandela.


  1. All the best to you chux... Thank you so much for the mention..
    Gift Collins


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